MMA fighters require sports supplements like any other athlete, but they do have some different requirements that make them a special case. MMA fighters who practice jujitsu, Thai boxing and wrestling typically are concerned with endurance, since strength, while important is more about technique than pure power as in weightlifting. Endurance supplements take the center stage, along with ingredients that help curb cortisol and buffer lactic acid.
If you watch the fights you will see that "gassing out" is one of the main problems facing MMA fighters in the ring. They need to perform at peak levels for sometimes 25 minutes at a time, which is very difficult. Fighters need to make sure that they make weight, so they need to decide of creatine is right for them. Creatine is a very potent and important supplement that will help increase strength, power and endurance. It also may bloat you if it isn't taken with the right supporting nutrients. Creatine can certainly help transform your workouts and is the number one supplement needed by MMA fighters, but the bloating does raise an issue. One way to combat this bloating is use a supplement with cinnamon extract, which will allow you to shove the creatine into the muscles and not have it sit around and attract excess water.
Beta Alanine should be on the roster for a MMA fighter, since it buffers lactic acid and increases endurance. It has also been shown to improve athletic performance when mixed with creatine, which makes it a winner. You will most likely experience a weird side effect from Beta Alanine, which is to feel a "tingle" or "itch", this is completely normal and is just the Beta Alanine getting into your system and hitting your nerves. Beta Alanine is a premier ingredient that all fighters should consider using.
Essential amino acids are also important, along with higher than normal doses of L-Leucine, the body's muscle building amino acid. L-Leucine stimulates muscle growth and muscle density, which increases explosive power and muscle maturity. Essential amino acids, ensure that after a tough workout, muscle tear down doesn't happen. These may be consumed 50 minutes before or immediately after a workout for best results. Essential amino acids come in the form of hydrolyzed whey protein or free form amino acids. Hydrolyzed amino acids are not simply proteins, they are partially digested which means that they will get absorbed and utilized very quickly and without stomach distress. Make sure you get hydrolyzed amino acids prior to training to make the most of your workouts.
If you have the money, Citrulline Malate is a good ingredient that can be stacked with the above nutrients. It can help with physical endurance and give you a mental and physical boost in the gym. It is expensive, but mixed with the above ingredients, it can really make a difference in your workouts.
Finally, stimulants may help give the MMA fighter an advantage, but make sure you check with your organization to ensure that these stimulants are "legal" to use. Caffeine is certainly one that can be utilized for quick energy. Caffeine can provide the obvious mental benefit, but it also has a physical benefit, especially when mixed with things like creatine and amino acids. Other stimulants like Bitter Orange, containing synephrine can give the MMA fighter a mental boost and better intensity during tough training sessions. Geranium Oil (better known as 1,3-Dimethylamylamine) is one that is new on the market, but there are rumors it might make you test positive for certain drugs, so make sure you check with your governing body before using this stimulant! All three of these will certainly give you a mental lift while training and can push your intensity.
Of all of the supplements on the market, only Anadraulic State GT seems to have these ingredients in precise ratios. Two scoops of Anadraulic State GT prior to workouts will help push you past any hurdles. If you want to really take it to the next level, add in some Citrulline Malate to your Anadraulic State GT, to push it even further. I recommend adding in 3g of Citrulline Malate to each scoop of Anadraulic State GT, which provides the precise ratio of ingredients that you will want to give you intensity.
Anadraulic State GT can be found at: